Tuesday, October 8, 2013

XBMC Media Centre V 12.2 Review

XBMC ( X Box Media Centre ) is a free  open source media centre application which brings together all your movies, songs, pictures, DVR functions & many more, which can be navigated using just a mouse or with keyboard+mouse combo. One does need to change the appearance of default XBMC on initial install to something snazzy because you end up staring at that home screen alot, so, might as well jazz it up a bit.

Though there are tons of addons, plugins etc  for it. I did checkout Youtube integration which works whether your signed in or not. But, yup there is a " oops, gotcha to it ", if one has more than 30 youtube subscriptions, only the first 12 is seen, even though there is a " More " option which goes to page 2 and above which comes up as blank. But, one unique feature I noticed was, DVR function built in for XBMC youtube, which allows you to download now/ watch later.

XBMC in action - 

XBMC Home screen

Config pages

Video Library 1


Video Library 2

Video Library 3
Youtube addon & menus

Shutdown options

Mobile Remote control of XBMC

Mobile Remote control of XBMC

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